Recent Blog Posts
- The 7 Key Tasks for Boards In our Coronavirus Times - One of the constant challenges for Boards is to ensure that the urgent things get done – while also preserving space for the important things. Traditionally, this has been achieved by delegating what’s urgent to executives, while keeping the important (strategic) decisions for the Board – and the important strategic decisions involve taking not only […]
- Your Company’s Strategy for the Post-COVID world - Does the current crisis, triggered by the Coronavirus pandemic, represent a one-in-a-lifetime threat? Perhaps so, but it is also a unique opportunity for your company. Whenever crisis-related developments enable governments to release us all to normal business, we will find that attitudes and realities are entirely different from what they were only a few weeks […]
- Reflections on being asked to give a lecture in Los Angeles, “Quantum Technologies and the Future” - REFLECTIONS ON BEING INVITED TO GIVE A LECTURE IN LOS ANGELES, “QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES AND THE FUTURE” I was asked to give this lecture twice, once in the morning at a luxury hotel, and once in the afternoon at one of the most prominent Business Clubs. The audience was an invited one – each participant was […]

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